With the world’s fastest AF performance*

i look crazy here but just being random..
this are pictures took with Sony a6000 i just combine them in gif 
because the camera is well known as fastest AF performance*
so you will able to shoot continuously in really fast speed
"Burst mode shooting of up to 11fps, continuous for 21 frames raw JPEG or 49 frames of fine JPEG is also possible before buffering makes its presence felt, so the a6000 is a great tool for sports and action."
i strong recommend this camera to mummies or anyone who love to shoot kids or fast motion pictures
you will not get any pictures turn out blur
there's more amazing feature in this camera! anyone interest to read a review about it?
(not an ad tho..i brought it myself!)


  1. please review! and maybe add in some tips and tricks on how to get lovely photos like yours :)

  2. I wanna buy this, please do a review :D

  3. This couldn't have come at a more perfect time! Yes please do a review, Kim! I was contemplating getting the a5000!
