My 2009 Summary

Finish Degree

Officially rice bug

Visit neng and looknut at BKK, Shop crazily!
Got my 1st full time job (internship dun count) at Architectree doi 3D stuff
Got my Moo moo
Win myself RM500 from oneFM

Ney left me to India for Training took our couple shot b4 he left
suffered alone without him!

my dearie sun came to visit accompany the lonely me
we share bed, buy same shoe exchange shoe.. whr r u? bila mau datang?
Gideon brought us on air, Thanks again for the wonderful experience!

back to JB visit my sista and hunting for food..
sew my 1st skirt..worn once only..haha shame on me
1st violin concerto in my life but not my type of thing i almost felt asleep for countless time
Ney back to Malaysia! 3rd year anniversary

on Tic for the 1st time
Met Yonpin for so call lunch but actually for $ ahahha..paiseh will find u one day without other purpose

Finally Graduation Ceremony! 1st family portrait was taken
Resign from the company, start my freelance life
Sew my 2nd skirt!

Birthday Celebration with the precious one, and malacca trip with family
Genting with his colleague
Sew my 3rd skirt

continue enjoy being freelancer
met Ping. shop and enjoy weekend with her
skin become real bad..

blog lesser..
decide to get a fulltime job again thanks God He is my provider
again attached with a job
took part in VBS as helper..being tortured by the kids..

meet up with uni-mates for dinner..
Got my baby i
1st time deco christmas in Church

(Favorite photo of the year)

Conclusion: im truly blessed..:D

So here it comes 2010
i've no plan or resolution
i just hope i can continue walk with God in His path
Because i believe He have plan for me..:D


  1. omg the pic of u n boyfie is so sweeeeettt!!i can basically feel the love in the air...hehe..

  2. hey kim, the photo is damm other?

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