So fast!!! i am a freelancer for almost 11 month!
there's always time i have too little faith to surrender all my worries to God
there's always time when i feel insecure especially in financial part
there's always time i feel like giving up when my mum questioning about my future
and i will still go for interview session if someone called me for or if i see interesting job available
but at the end of the day i always turn off the offers and
because i have a boyfriend who always pull me back remind me of my passion and how God bless me the pass few months!
it is true that i really love my job (apart from the income part),
1. i love meeting awesome people other thru business meeting i get to know my client more, i love listen to their dreams, their achievement, their stories sorrow or happiness (I'm so glad that they are willing to share with me)
2. i can have time for Reverie, taking part in bazaar, stocking up new pieces
3. attend event, media launch and movie premier in office hour~
4. most important part i love designs and i find great satisfaction from all the work i did
the only one thing i missed about full time job is to dress up everyday for work..
i have less OFTD pictures nowadays.. because i normally go meeting alone in order to avoid jam i try not stop and shop but head home straight..and my boyfriend is too lazy to bring DSLR out on weekend so goodbye my dear outfit photo..
so i have to shoot outfit FLAT

Outfit to Church
Reverie polka dot sheer top, pale blue skinny (BKK) and Jaspal vintage loafer
Casual look for movie
white sheer top as outerwear, yellow vest (Taiwan) and pale blue short (Reverie)

For Movie Night
Leopard Sweater (Taiwan), Knicker Shorts (Reverie, Coming Soon), lace up flat
Didn't wear this out coz its too sheer for movie but this match better than the leopard sweater
Burgundy Sheer Shirt with lace trim collar (Reverie),Knicker Shorts (Reverie, Coming Soon), lace up flat

Normal shopping day with boyfriend
Scallop Edge Top (Sponsor Gift), Stripe Hotpant (Topshop), Lace Headband (Diva) and Flat (Taiwan)
Which combination you love the most?
btw hope you like this kinda outfit shoot..:)